RHS Practical

RHS Level 2 Certificate in Practical Horticulture: Rehearsal Day for Practical Competence Assessments

Sorry, there is currently no availability for this course, for further information on when there will be availability for this course, please feel free to contact us.

Enrol for this course

This is a one-day rehearsal of many of the tasks which can be selected for the first Practical Competence Assessment; our Centre Assessors will watch you complete the tasks under timed assessment conditions and then give you feedback on how to improve your performance. 

We strongly recommend attending the rehearsal sessions to gain proficiency and confidence in working under time and assessment pressure.

What is covered?

Various tasks which are on the list for PCA1 , for example seed sowing in containers, propagation, tree plnting, hedge planting, marking out, etc.

What is the cost and venue(s)?

Rehearsal days will take place at the venue where you are studying; please note they are complete days, 9.30 -4.30,  not a half day like the  main course.  The cost will be £100 which covers resources and extra staffing.

What is the enrolment process?

Complete the online enrolment form  by clicking on the green 'Enrol for this Course' button above.

Please note: rehearsal places are reserved for those already enrolled on the RHS practical Certficate with us. Completing the form does not guarantee that a place is available.